love risks rejection

Truth does not sell in this world. We see that in the world of politics which all too often can be poll driven, not that any politician or party should think that they have a corner on the truth, though all should want to pursue truth. On a number of fronts we may see danger. Or believe we see danger. What do we do? Especially when the ones we warn may think and live in ideological opposition to us.

Love risks rejection. But in doing so love seeks acceptance for the good of those being warned. How can we speak truth in Jesus, and truth in general in a manner in which it is received? So that those who hear it from us know that it is coming out of a heart of love? And what do we do if our message is rejected and we along with it? Love weeps, but love also risks. Love does not give up, either. Love is willing to risk rejection, though love does not give into rejection. There is always hope because of God’s grace in Jesus.

This Advent season, which began yesterday, we remember God risking all in becoming human, the Word made flesh in Jesus. God did this! Yes out of great love for the world. We in Jesus, how can we do anything less? But we do so as those ever dependent on the God through Jesus who continues to risk all in his love for us, and for the world.*

*I say God risks all in Jesus not as a Calvinist nor as an Open Theist, though I would not close the door to every thing Open Theism may be saying. Though I think sometimes it may actually not be something which hasn’t already been said within Christian orthodoxy. God risks all in at least being misunderstood. The cross of Jesus is folly and weakness to the world. But it is nothing less than God’s salvation for the world. God became a little helpless baby for us!

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