the national day of prayer

The majority of Christians I know seem to think that America (the United States) was a Christian nation at the beginning when founded. That is true only in some sort of cultural sense, or definition given apart from a consideration of scripture which would make it clear according to my view of it, that this was not the case. America was as it is today a sinful nation, and a mixed bag of both good and bad. For a start consider the slavery of Africans and the breaking of every treaty the United States ever made with the natives of this land.

I am thankful for the freedom I have to this day to worship according to my conscience. That is not unlike what Christians along with Jews had in some measure under Roman rule, though there were times of persecution as well. And there is no doubt that there were a number of Christians among the founding fathers who wanted America to be a Christian nation, often misapplying scripture designated only to God’s people to America, a practice which continues widely to this day.

And so as I come to the national day of prayer, which we will participate in where I work at RBC Ministries with a different perspective than many of my colleagues who see this as a time to pray for national repentance and revival perhaps. And who see America at least in its founding as essentially good, but are conflicted due to the sin which seems to be taking over everywhere.

I will participate as one who is called to pray for all those in authority, that in the peace that can come out of the rule of the state, we may live as Jesus’ witnesses and for the salvation of all. I will pray that God will work out his purposes and will through the United States as well as through other nations.

I especially will pray for the church, for us in Jesus, that we will let our light shine in the darkness. That we might bear and live out his love, a love for all. That we might be known as followers of Jesus. And I will pray myself, even if I don’t pray it out loud that the unholy alliance between church and state will be broken. That we will be the bold witness who really finally can speak truth to power. A truth that will cut to the heart against any agenda of America be it Democrat, Republican, libertarian, etc. The truth of the kingdom of God come in Jesus and the shalom that comes with that, to be seen in the church in and through Jesus, weak and immature in its stage as it now may be.  Together in the mission of Jesus for the world.

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