live like what you already are in Christ

…for once you were darkness, but now in the Lord you are light. Walk as children of light…

Ephesians 5:8; NRSVue

In Christ we’re brand spanking new. But if that meant we’re incapable of descending into the old, then a lot of what Paul (or whoever the author was) wrote in the context (click link) is a waste of papyrus and ink (or whatever they used). We’re still perfectly capable of doing the stupid things, which while they can always be cleared by confession as in open acknowledgment of such to God and when necessary to others, can cause a heap of trouble. That is why we’re told that while in the Lord we’re light, we’re to walk as such, as children of light, walk of course meaning how we live. As has aptly been said, we mature in what we already are, or at least that should be the case. And it’s addressing people together, living in community and in the world.

We are light in the light, Christ. We are different in him. And part of the good news is that this light is meant for all. Light exposes the deeds of darkness. Of course, when I refer to darkness, I’m not at all referring to color, or the wonderful color black. Darkness here means the absence of light, and all of this is in a moral sense. And actually, darkness even in this sense is not altogether bad in Scripture. God is said to dwell in the darkness. But again, what we’re referring to here is clearly different. And the light exposes the darkness for judgment and salvation.

But to the point of the post. In Christ we are light; we are not darkness. Paul is saying that and it’s a powerful statement on its own. But his emphasis seems to be that since that’s the case, we’re to live accordingly. And he goes into detail in that context just what that means and doesn’t mean. That’s the emphasis. You’re light in Christ, so live like it.

Even when we inevitably stumble that should never deter us from this truth. We’re light in Christ, new people. So, we are both willing and able to do that, individually and together.

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