Psalm 61-63: a triad of trust in God

For God alone my soul waits in silence,
    for my hope is from him.
He alone is my rock and my salvation,
    my fortress; I shall not be shaken.
On God rests my deliverance and my honor;
    my mighty rock, my refuge is in God.

Trust in him at all times, O people;
    pour out your heart before him;
    God is a refuge for us. Selah

Psalm 62:5-8; NRSVue

The element of trust in Psalm 61 anticipates the trust in Psalm 62 (see Ps 16) and the prominent trust in Psalm 63. So Psalms 61-63 form a triad of trust.

Common English Bible, 906 OT

Psalms 61-63 together is a real, beautiful progression of trust in God. Oversimplifying it, but to make the point, Psalm 61 is the cry to God for help, Psalm 62, the settling into God as the only one worthy of total trust, and Psalm 63, the result of such trust. But each of the Psalms contains something of the struggle of this life along with the call to trust in God and the promise which comes with that.

In the passage above, God is likened to a rock and a fortress. I often get lost in the difficult details of life, and though I am trying to converse so to speak with God concerning that, I can all but forget who the God I’m speaking to is. When it comes right down to it, the entire cosmos, the universe or multiverse comes from God. God is responsible for it all and somehow intimately involved in all its details. And that reaches fully to each and every one of us, as hard as that is to take in and accept.

Note that these psalms are real, realistic to life. It’s not like trust in God means all will be hunky dory. It does mean that as we cry out and seek to trust in God, we will receive all the help we need in the midst of everything. And again, let there be an emphasis here on us as a community of faith, as well as each of us individually. This is not at all an escape from responsibility in the struggle that others face as well as our own struggles (note Psalm 18).

Somehow, just speaking for myself, I need to live more in the fullness of God, the God whose Presence fills all (Ephesians 1:23; 4:6). This is true, regardless of what I’m experiencing. But as we see in the triad of Psalms 61-63, God wants us to enter into and enjoy or be enraptured more and more into something of this Home which is God. To live in that Awe and Wonder and Peace. To grow in that awareness and come back to that again and again even as we live in this present existence.

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