the love we need and are to offer to others

Blessed are the merciful,
for they will be shown mercy.

Matthew 5:7

The new life in Christ has one sure sign of existing: love for God and love for God’s children (1 John 5). And this love is evidenced in our obedience to God’s commandments. Love and truth are always together in scripture. We also must remember that final, thorough, infallible judgment belongs to God alone. And that in fact we’re called to embrace the mercy which triumphs over judgment in extending that mercy to those we instead could judge (James 2).

If we’ve experienced God’s mercy and grace, then we should be extending that to others in little as well as big ways. We must be friendly. There is no such thing as truth apart from the love which accompanies it. Truth is nothing more than falsehood apart from that love. In fact such “truth” is a lie, an illusion and I’m afraid often a facade for the real agenda.

Truth exists first in the Trinity of God: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. And that is a communion of Love. Grace and mercy extended to us in and through Jesus to enter into that very Communion.

On the flip side, love strictly speaking does not exist at all apart from truth, ultimately the truth that is in Jesus. Not to say there isn’t genunine love in existence through creation. But the love from which that comes from will bring us face to face with truth. The farther apart love is from truth, the less genuine that love is.

In all of this we need God’s mercy and grace. Each of us need that just as much as the next person. A mercy and grace we’re to extend to others, always, no matter what– in the truth that is in Jesus.